LIPO-HART Ltd. presents complete solution for design and production of wrappings, which is suitable for advertising agencies and end customers.
The improving quality of the designer process of wrappings, the quality and the correctness in the process of making samples and production of packing from corrugated pasteboard and cardboard – all this is a warranty for satisfied customers and successful sales for you.
There are available samples from more than 50 models from corrugated pasteboard, micro corrugated pasteboard, with the possibility to change the dimensions to satisfy the client’s needs.
For you clients:
The quality is assured during delivery to your clients.
The quality is assured during the production of the packing from corrugated pasteboard and cardboard and quality models proved during the years.
The convenient packing from corrugated pasteboard and cardboard facilitates and increases the productivity.
The packing from corrugated pasteboard gives the possibility for more qualitative storage and transport of the product.
Advantages for you:
We are providing free consultations and samples for the customer.
We are giving the possibility for production of small series packing.
We are delivering directly to the client’s warehouse.